Guarda (ciudad); Guardas; Guardar; Guardiana; Guardianes; Guardianas; Guardesa
= file, house, keep, save, store, store away, guard (against), pack up, lodge, stand + guard over, squirrel away, put away, stow, stash, have in + store, pack.
Ex: File boxes can be used and filed on shelves, if appropriate, interfiled with the books.
Ex: The shared systems are run on an IBM 4341 computer housed at BLCMP.
Ex: Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.
Ex: Whenever this code is entered, the system saves the document or list of documents being displayed and displays a summary of the documents saved up to that point.
Ex: The records in a computer data base are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
Ex: This chain will not be processed, but will be stored away for later use.
Ex: The article "Sealing criminal history records: shall we let the fox guard the henhouse in the name of privacy?" has once again raised the debate on the consequences of allowing press and public to view such data.
Ex: Unless the distance was short, the books travelled in sheets, unbound, packed up in chests or barrels.
Ex: The actual report has been lodged at the British Library but has not been published.
Ex: Librarians are doomed if they are seen by their patrons as standing guard over information and seemingly barring access to it.
Ex: The more which can be digitized, and the more rapidly, the more which then can be squirreled away into atmospherically-controlled & inexpensive archives.
Ex: She took all photos, sorted them out, stuffed them into boxes, and put them away in storage.
Ex: It is a matter of basic safety for everyone on board, before casting off in the morning for that next heavenly anchorage, to see that everything be properly stowed and secured.
Ex: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.
Ex: The killing was committed in the traditional and extremely gruesome way Islam has in store for women accused of adultery: she was stoned to death.
Ex: After various selection processes, the books are sorted into broad general categories and packed into consignments of up to 5,000 books.
* acción de guardar documentos = save.
* fiesta de guardar = holiday of obligation.
* guardar Algo para otra vez = save for + a rainy day.
* guardar bajo llave = keep under + lock and key.
* guardar celosamente = guard + zealously.
* guardar como un tesoro = treasure.
* guardar con mucho cariño = treasure.
* guardar correspondencia = bear + correspondence (to).
* guardar en reserva = keep in + reserve, hold in + reserve.
* guardar en secreto = keep + confidential, keep + Nombre + under wraps.
* guardar la compostura = keep + a stiff upper lip.
* guardar las apariencias = preserve + appearance, keep up + appearances.
* guardar las formas = keep up + appearances.
* guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero = store + search results + in disc file.
* guardar muchas esperanzas = get + Posesivo + hopes up.
* guardar paralelismo = have + parallel.
* guardar relación con = bear + relation to, stand in + relation to, stand in + relationship to, bear + relationship to.
* guardar rencor = bear + a grudge, harbour + resentment, carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
* guardar rencor (hacia) = bear + ill will (toward).
* guardar resentimiento = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
* guardarse = keep for + Reflexivo, be on guard (against).
* guardarse Algo para Uno Mismo = keep + Nombre + to + Reflexivo.
* guardarse de = beware (of/that), be shy of + Gerundio.
* guardárselas a Alguien = hold + it against.
* guardar silencio = keep + silent, keep + silence.
* guardar sorpresas = hold + surprises.
* guardar una búsqueda en disco = save + search + to disc.
* guardar una relación directamente proporcional = vary + proportionately.
* guardar una relación inversamente proporcional = vary + inversely.
* guardar un secreto = keep + a secret.
* hacer guardar silencio = shush.
* no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
* porche para guardar el coche = car port.
* que guarde relación con = in keeping with.
* quien guarda, halla = waste not, want not.
* sin guardar una correlación = uncorrelated.
* volver a guardar = rehouse [re-house].